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Ewellix actuation systems offer a wide range of lifting columns. They are able to withstand high offset loads, combining a quiet, robust and powerful movement with an attractive design. The Ewellix lifting columns can satisfy your most demanding requirements.
Ewellix offers the most comprehensive range of linear actuators that can be applied in almost every kind of application. With several options on load, speed, voltage, protection, Ewellix actuators provide design flexibility and proven reliability to any linear movement.
A large number of control units are available to operate the rotary / linear actuators and lifting columns. The control units can have either AC or DC input and battery powered operation. There are Control unit able to manage single or up to 6 actuators and several external operating devices.
Ewellix actuation System offers different operating switches to control the position your equipment. The range includes: Hand switches, Foot switches, Desk switches that can be used in conjunction with many Control units.